Awards Program

(Studenst posing with awards)
BBES held their 1st Quarter Honors & Awards program in the cafeteria for students achieving Principal's List, Honor Roll, and Honorable Mention. Congratualtions to all the award winners and keep up the good work!
Veterans Day Program

(BBES Save the Children performed during the Veterans Day Program.)
Bethune-Bowman students celebrated Veterans Day with a special prgram in the gymnasium that included a performance by BBES Save the Children, the BBMH JROTC, and a guest speaker.
Red Ribbon Week

(1st graders posing for picture during dress up day.)
BBES students celebrated the final day of Red Ribbon week by dressing up as their favorite story book characters. The students performed their own parade around the elementary school to celebrate being drug free.
BBES 2019 Coronation

(Picture of BBES students during Coronation ceremony.)
BBES students participated in the 2019 Coronation. Kings, Queens, and attendants were crowned in front of family and friends in the BB Campus gymnasium. This year the BBES & BBMH Coronation were celebrated together. The theme of the Coronation was "No Place Like Home".
BBES Students Take Map Test

(4th grade students taking MAP test in their homeroom class.)
BBES students participated in MAP testing over the course of several days. The MAP test identifies students' strengths and weakenesses in each content area. The results from the test help teachers plan lessons and group students appropriately so that everyone is focused on what will help them reach grade level standards and beyond. The MAP test is taken in the fall, winter, and spring and is a strong indicator of students' projected success on end of year assessments.
South Carolina Health and Safety Education Instructional Guidelines
The South Carolina Health and Safety Education Instructional Guidelines is a support document to the South Carolina Academic Standards for Health and Safety Education 2009. The eight standards of the 2009 South Carolina Standards document match the eight standards found in the 2007 National Health Education Standards. The purpose of this document is to facilitate instructional planning. The performance indicators are separated by content areas. Content is taught within skill standards. Suggestions for instructional resources, strategies, and activities are included in this document. This is a sampling of activities. Not all performance indicators found in the 2009 document are listed in the guidelines. Not every performance indicator listed in this guide has corresponding essential questions. Not all strategies and activities identified in this guide have corresponding assessment strategies. This guide is not meant to be all inclusive for instruction in Comprehensive Health Education. Link